I don’t think I fully understood exactly what a Nutritionist did until I studied to become one. I was studying Anatomy & Physiology, Biology and the Pathophysiology of disease and wondering how this all related to food…..
Then I knew….
My journey began in my late 20’s…. at that stage I did not know I had inflammation in my body, I did not know how to listen to my body and thought I had a pretty good diet and relationship with myself. Turns out I didn’t…….
It wasn’t until we wanted to start a family that I really began to tune into my body with the help of some very talented women, I started Bowen therapy and had natural therapies. My skin responded, my bloating reduced, my body composition began to change and our pantry took on a massive makeover. I was thirsty for more knowledge so when our second child was born and he was a “sleeper” I had time to really think about the next part of my story. I enrolled in Nature Care College to take on an Advanced Diploma of Nutritional Medicine without really knowing where it would lead me but I knew I was on the right path.
My passion lies with Real food and inspiring others to return to the simplicity of cooking from home. In Tasmania we have an abundance of beautiful small farms that deliver sustainable and hormone free meats, fruit and vegies and eggs. We are truly blessed. At home you’ll usually find me either in the garden where we grow a lot of our own produce and have backyard chickens or in the kitchen preserving, fermenting and cooking fresh food to nourish my family.
In Clinic, I review each of my client’s current diets, understand their symptoms, look for clues and signs through observations and questions, conduct testing where needed and then provide recommendations for dietary and lifestyle changes and supplements where needed. Functional medicine is complimentary to western medicine and often a GP may refer you to me to look at dietary intakes and support.
You may also see me out and about in the community delivering workshops and talking to groups teaching people about their body, nutrient values of food, how to ferment food or how to improve their general wellbeing.
So Hey, I’m Lori a Tasmanian girl who knows food and can talk the intimate science of the body and how it interacts with food, what’s your superpower?
Lori x